Pirates Adventure show is an evening packed with excitement, suspense and awe. This spectacular show has been running for over 25 years and has become the highlight of many people's holidays in Mallorca. During this evening you will be stunned by world class acrobatics, dancing and pure excitement as the whole family cheers their pirate captain on!
We will pick you up at your hotel or at a nearby point, and on the way to the show, our guides will let you in on everything you need to know as they get you in the party mood with pirates' songs and ready to cheer all night long . Also, you will have the opportunity to buy bandanas and pirates' swords on the bus so not only will you feel like a pirate you will also look the part when you arrive at the venue.
On arrival you will be shown to your seats in the theatre and you will be amused by the different pirate captains and villains that wander around the audience, entertaining, creating suspense and getting the crowd buzzing.
The entrance ticket to the Pirates Show includes:
- Food: Your ticket includes roast chicken, potato wedges and corn on the cob followed by an ice cream cup (a vegetarian option is available but must be booked beforehand. Please write in the comments section on the booking page how many vegetarian options are required for your booking). This will be served on arrival before the show.
- Drinks: A selection of free soft drinks and water are available to everybody up to the end of the meal and the show starting.