Home workout ideas during stayathome
Gym, pool, yoga/fitness studio, school practice, in some places even jogging is now closed and forbidden. In current pandemic situation all our practice places are not an option to keep our physical and mental parts in good shape. That is why we prepared this article with home workout ideas and are bringing you fresh possibilities to enjoy your daily practice at home. Hope you enjoy it, stay healthy and of course stay at home.
Table of Contents
Keep calm – easy to say, harder to accomplish, especially in our upside down world state right now. It is really important to find emotional calm in this situation for yourself and the people we have around. Meditation will help you to reduce stress, depression and anxiety. You can try it alone or all together in your living room.
Buddhist monks are able to seat for… ok it can be really long period, so just take 20 min from your day and focus on present moment, breath and relax your mind. Take out the bad news you keep collecting from the tv news, social media scrolling and replace them with hope, that the better days are coming soon. Meditation is also a good practice to increase peace and well-being. So let´s go and fill your mind with positive vibes.
Inhale beautiful future, exhale Covid past. Let´s move and breathe, detox your body and mind, help your spine during working from home, have fun with your loved once, burn those calories from homemade pizzas and cakes after Netflix movie nights. Yoga practice is really joyful and have a lot of advantages and is very popular all over the world. You can find different schools, kinds, ways to do it. The most important thing is to listen to your body, do not force yourself, keep it gentle and easy, especially if you are a begginer. As Jim Rohn said ¨Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.¨
If you are looking for short experience to calm your nerves during quarantine or never tried yoga before, we recommend to try it with Yoga with Adriene Channel:
We are hoping that pandemic situation will get better everywhere soon, but just in case leaving you this 30 days of HOME yoga practice:
Workout with fame
If you are looking for home workout ideas, you can also join your favourite actors, artists and celebrities on their facebook / instagram accounts. We recommend the daily morning workouts with Andrew Cooper and his family. If you are not an early bird the live video is available during the whole day, just click on live video circle on @andrewcooperx .
You can also combine it with one of his great healthy juices and smothies recipes to make the most of the day. All available in Juice Manifesto book.
Extraordinary training ideas
During this hard time a lot of people are sharing their workout and entertainment ideas with friends and neighbours. Our favourite one is doorstep fitness. Check this out, because Simon is taking the home morning training to the high new level! 😀
In Spain Gonzalo Garcia Broto, fitness instructor, is building his community workout and fun spirit on the rooftop of their building! Amazing idea!
Frodsham, Cheshire
Let´s dance! Or even better, let´s move here after lockdown and for sure enjoy a great street dance with those amazing people. Full of positive spirit and for sure something what they are looking for every day at 11:00! Check the @elsalwilliams twitter for more heart-warming videos #allyouneedislove.
For sure after great training you will look for some nice snack. For the idea check our article with instructions how to prepare delicious Mallorcan food.
Hope that one of the ideas will be interesting for you to entertain yourself a little during the quarantine. Have you seen more of extraordinary workouts ideas around the world? Let us know in the comments below and we will update the list.