Mallorcan words to know if you travel to Mallorca
Enjoy our short Mallorcan language lesson with our experts and get to know the most interesting and useful words, expressions and phrases. Get ready to visit Mallorca as an local!
Enjoy our short Mallorcan language lesson with our experts and get to know the most interesting and useful words, expressions and phrases. Get ready to visit Mallorca as an local!
While in lockdown, we have prepared a series of articles to try to help you to make it easier and have things to do. On this article, we have a Mallorca Travel quiz with some photos of different places. Show us if you are a Mallorca expert.
In many online articles you read Mallorca, on other Majorca, so it is normal if you have doubts. Is Mallorca and Majorca the same? Click on this article and find it out! Great info from our local team of experts on the island.
Mallorcan food online cooking tutorials are great ideas how to make your Covid-19 quarantine time more interesting. Have a look, get inspired and invite your family members to join you in the kitchen. Enjoy!
While in lockdown, we have prepared a series of articles to try to help you to make it easier and have things to do. On this article, we bring best Mallorcan wines directly to your home! Check our article and get to know some very interesting curiosities about them and the island!
Looking for home activities during your quarantine? Check our post with ideas and in the same time get to know our beautiful island Mallorca a bit. Enjoy!
Looking for the recommendations of the best beaches in Mallorca? This article is for you! Check our experts options and plan your best sunny day out on the island!
The fullest guide to the Easter Processions in Mallorca. You can find here the origin, routes, times and many more connected information. Enjoy reading and planning your Easter on the island!
The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as Coronavirus, is an unprecedented phenomenon for all of us that we have never faced before. In Mallorca, like other regions of the world, it is also having an...
If you are looking for the ideas of Easter activities, things to do and places to be in Mallorca, this article is for you! Choose between Easter celebrations, guided excursions, activities and fun park. Happy Easter!